Sunday, September 5, 2010

The day has come and a blog was created...

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the day that seemed so far away when I registered my daughter this spring is just around the little angel starts her first day of pre-school! I look forward to having two days to myself but to be honest, I am already wondering what it will be like to be alone 10 hours a week. No lunches to fix, diapers to change, no Sesame Street playing in the background and no guarding craft supplies from little hands sounds like a dream come true but time will tell how I truly react to all this free time!

About a month ago I stumbled across my first diy crafty home decor blog and have become quite addicted quickly. My mind is literally stumbling over ideas that I would love to recreate and already the garage is filled with furniture, lamps and frames to spray paint!  I look forward to having a place to share my creations and hope this blog motivated me even more to finish my projects so I can share the end results. I might stumble quite often as I am not a computer master and certainly brand new to the blogging world. To explain just how new I am, I had to do a search to find out what a widget was!